When you are a new mum, finding time for yourself is not always easy, and when you get it, it never lasts for that long! My “Mumma's Hour” is designed for time-poor Mumma’s who need answers to their health questions.

During the hour you have with me, here are just a few things we can discuss:
Presenting symptoms and health concerns (Breastfeeding support, postpartum recovery, thyroid issues, gut issues, etc)
Blood test analysis
Supplement queries (10% discount off supplements)
Appropriate diet and food focuses to support your needs
Lifestyle concerns and ways to improve those areas of focus
Product guidance (for Mum and Baby)
Guidance on recipes and I will suggest a few appraise for your needs.
The goal is to leave you feeling informed and empowered about the change you could make that will significantly impact your health and happiness. Remember, happy mumma, happy baby!